Virtual Reality Neuron
This project mirrors the idea behind the Augmented Reality Neuron, but this time in Virtual Reality, providing an opportunity for more interaction and immersion. Users build utilize the various components of the neuron to construct one themselves, including the Soma, Axon, Myelin Sheath, Terminal Buttons, and Dendrites. Each part is brought to life in an engaging, hands-on environment, allowing users to explore and interact with these structures to gain a deeper understanding of their roles in transmitting neural signals. This immersive experience enhances learning by providing a dynamic, visual representation of the neuron, promoting both comprehension and retention of neurobiological concepts.
The user starts in front of a blackboard with their instructions and materials clearly laid out. This design was the second iteration, with the first being far larger and less accessible. Additionally, this new version better emulates the classroom/lab setting the accompanying lectures are typically given in.